September 2024
Fun times at the Stanford Biology Retreat in Santa Cruz!
Welcome to Pre Lavania and Nicole Haseley who are first year PhD students rotating in the Cyert lab!
June 2024
Congratulations Devin!
Devin participated in graduation this year (pictured at left with classmate Ran Cheng). He is defending his PhD on August 6 and starting a postdoc at NIH in October.
Welcome Mihjalo!
Mihjalo is a Stanford undergraduate majoring in Bioengineering. He is doing research in the Cyert lab this summer investigating the role of calcineurin in pancreatitis.
May 2024
Devin’s paper is now posted on BioRxIV!
The paper describes our work on calcimembrin/C16orf74, a small disordered protein, that is dephosphorylated by calcineurin through an unusual mechanism via a combination LxVPxIxIT motif. The project is an ongoing collaboration with Joana Reis and Hari Arthanari at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
April 2024
February 2024
Welcome Noelle!
We are very excited to welcome Noelle as our new Administrative Associate! Noelle has held several positions at Stanford, most recently as an administrative associate for the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials. She is also a mom, and a passionate cyclist and hiker.
January 2024
Congratulations Martha!
Martha Cyert, the Dr. Nancy Chang Professor and chair of the Department of Biology in the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences, has been named a fellow of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The Stanford biologist was recognized for her contributions to the biochemistry community, her discoveries related to the protein calcineurin, and her outstanding achievements in the areas of teaching and mentorship.
read about the other fellows here:
Welcome Will Pangburn!
Will is a first year PhD student in Biology who is rotating this quarter in the Cyert lab. Will is going to investigate possible roles for Calcineurin in autophagy and is mentored by Sneha and Angela.
September 2023
Welcome Lauren!
Welcome to Lauren Buie who is a first year PhD student rotating in the Cyert lab. Lauren will be working with Sneha and Angela on examining roles for calcineurin in regulating autophagy.
July 2023
Celebrating summer: Cyert Lab lunch and visit to the gates of hell in Rodin sculpture garden.
Devin presented his work on calcineurin regulator, C16orf74 “More than the sum of its parts: A composite SLiM confers a unique mechanism of calcineurin regulation” at the ASBMB conference in Maryland on Motifs, modules, networks: Assembly and organization of regulatory signaling systems
Great job, Devin!
Welcome Will!
Will King is the newest member of the Cyert lab. He is a postdoctoral fellow who received his PhD from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh PA where he worked on lipid metabolism in the pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans. Will plans to study the lipidated calcineurin isoform, CNAbeta1 in the Cyert lab.
June 2022
Welcome Jaston!
The Cyert lab is proud to welcome our newest member, Jaston McClure, class of 2025. Jaston is investigating the effects of oxidative stress on nuclear transport.
Congratulations Eirini!
Dr. Erini Tsekitsidou defended her PhD and was hooded at Stanford Commencement with her father in attendence. Read about Eirini’s work showing roles for calcineurin at centrosomes and cilia in our BioRxIV paper!
April 2022
ASBMB 2022 meeting!
Congratulations to Martha and her co-organizer, Vahe Bandarian on organizing the in person meeting in Philadelphia. So much fun to be back in person again!
February 2022
Bidding a fond farewell to Idil!
Congratulations on your new job at ORICS Pharmaceuticals. We will miss you!
February 2022
Welcome Ylva Ivarsson
We were so happy to host Ylva Ivarsson from Uppsala University for a lunch with the Cyert lab and a seminar on her recent work:
“Proteome-wide discovery of motif-mediated interactions in human and viral proteomes”
October 2021
Congratulations to Idil on publication of her work in Nature Communications:
She will be presenting this exciting story at the ASBMB 2022 conference in Philadelphia, which Martha is co-organizing.
We are currently recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to continue this project!
July 2021
Read our new preprint on BioRxiV: Palmitoylation targets the Calcineurin phosphatase to the Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase complex at the plasma membrane! We are so excited about this new story and so grateful to be working with such an amazing group of collaborators.
June 2021
Welcome to Dr. Angela Barth who just started as a Research Associate in the Cyert lab on June1!
Congratulations to Sneha and Deepak on the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Saisha!
January 2021
For the first Cyert lab diversity journal club we discussed Whistling Vivaldi by Claude Steele. This is an amazingly informative and engaging book that gave all of us significant insights into the different identities we all have and how or when we feel under threat because of them. A must-read!
December 2020
We are very excited that Dr. Sneha Roy will be joining the lab in January 2021 followed by Dr. Richard Smith in June! Sneha is a structural biologist and biophysicist interested in intrinsic disorder, phase separation and aggregation. See her publications here. Richard is working on cooperative control of kinases and phosphatases at the kinetochore. See his publications here.
October 2020
The Cyert lab saw the end of an era with Jagoree Roy’s retirement after 17 years as research scientist. All the best to Jagoree in her new endeavors—We will miss you!

The Cyert lab bids a fond farewell to Jamin Hein, joint Bio-X Novo Nordisk fellow with the Fordyce lab. Good luck with your new position in Copenhagen and congrats on your manuscript submitted to eLIFE: MRBLE-pep measurements reveal accurate binding affinities for B56, a PP2A regulatory subunit
July 2020
Listen to Callie talk about human Calcineurinome here.
The Cyert Lab enjoyed a socially-distanced farewell party for Callie, James and Robert and celebrated Mercedes’ 25 years of service to Stanford!
Congratulations to Callie!
Callie will be starting her new job as Visiting Assistant Professor at Oxford College in August. All the best in your new position-we will miss you.
Our paper Systematic Discovery of Short Linear Motifs Decodes Calcineurin Phosphatase Signaling is now IN PRESS at Molecular Cell! Online link coming soon, but you can read the almost final version HERE.
And while you’re at it, check out the Calcineurin Docking Motif Repository to look for CN SLiMs in your favorite protein!
June 2020
Congratulation to Idil!
You can watch her talk in the ASBMB spotlight session on Emerging Signaling Pathways starting at minute 19:34.:
“Discovering the unique functions and regulation of the palmitoylated calcineurin isoform, CnAbeta1”
Congratulations to Martha!
On becoming Chair of the Biology Department starting Sept 1, 2020
Read about it here
(At left Martha celebrates with her favorite beverage)
March 2020
Idil passes her citizenship test and we celebrate with Uncle Sam, beer and apple pie.
September 2019
Welcome to 1st year grad students Jessica Zhang and Austin Murchison who are rotating in the lab! They we found out at the department retreat that they excel at stacking cups….
July 2019
Congratulations to Idil on the best short talk award at the FASEB Protein lipidation conference for her presentation “Discovering unique functions and regulation of the calcineurin isoform, CNβ1, targeted to membranes via palmitoylation”
Our paper with the Fordyce lab is now published on eLife!
June 2019
Martha is IUBMB lecturer at FEBS Europhosphatase Conference in Debrecen, Hungary
May 2019
Read our new preprint on BioRxiV: Systematic Discovery of Short Linear Motifs Decodes Calcineurin Phosphatase Signaling by Wigington et al. and visit the Calcineurin Docking Motif Repository to discover calcineurin binding motifs in your favorite protein or proteome!
April 2019
Congratulations to Jagoree for 15 years in the Cyert lab AND to Eirini for receiving Stanford Centennial TA award!
March 2019
The lab poses with Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne at the opening of Bass Biology!
November 2018
Callie and Robert welcome the newest member of the Cyert Lab!
Welcome to the world,
baby James!
The Cyert lab moves to the Bass Biology building.
Devin passes his quals!
June 2018
Martha and Callie attend the 2018 FASEB Calcium meeting in Lake Tahoe, CA.
May 2018
Devin joins the lab as a grad student.
March 2018
The Cyert lab has a successful lab retreat in a beach house at Watsonville, CA
December 2017
Jagoree, Callie, Idil, and Shein present posters at ASCB conference.
November 2017
Eirini passes her quals. Congratualtions Eirini!
Jamin (joint with the Fordyce lab) joins as a postdoc. Welcome!
October 2017
Cyert lab is "Rick & Morty" for Biology Pumpkin Festival.
August 2017
Rachel's paper gets published in Journal of Biological Chemistry!
Martha presents at the Stanford Bio-X Seed Grants Program Symposium.
The lab (safely) views the solar eclipse!
June 2017
Idil presents a poster at ASCB’s Bay Area Meeting on Organelle Biology (BAMOB).
May 2017
Rachel defends her thesis!
May 2017
Nikhil and Huy (Fordyce lab) win the best poster award at BioX poster session.
May 2017
Eirini joins the lab!
March 2017
Nina's paper is published in MBoC.
December 2016
Callie gives a talk and Rachel presents a poster at ASCB Annual Meeting.
November 2016
Shein passes her qualifying exam!
October 2016
Cyert lab is "Pokemon Go" for Biology Pumpkin festival.
June 2016
Nina defends her thesis! Congrats Dr. Ly!